
Checkout our 4's Program

9:00am - 11:45am

5-Days Monday-Friday

Our 4-Year-Old program is a continuation of playing and learning with peers though the use of age-appropriate topics and materials, with an emphasis on kindergarten readiness skills. They are introduced to letters, numbers, and basic reading and writing skills. They also develop their vocabulary and communication skills through story time, songs, and other language-rich activities. Our little learners are introduced to basic math concepts, such as counting, sorting, and patterns. They also explore the natural world through hands-on activities that introduce them to basic scientific concepts. Our Pastor visits with the 4s class once a week to read a short bible story with the children. Introducing Judeo-Christian teachings in preschool is a wonderful way to promote positive values and character development among young children. We have a wonderful Music & Movement teacher come in once a week to lead a very fun, energetic program with the children.

Our 4-Year-Old program provides children with a nurturing and stimulating environment that supports their overall development and prepares them for kindergarten and beyond.

Our committed and knowledgeable teachers collaborate with parents and caregivers to ensure the well-being of every child. There is ongoing communication between home and school via email, daily interactions with teachers during dismissal, and updates from the Director through our monthly calendar and newsletter. Twice a year, in January and May, parents receive preschool progress reports through parent-teacher conferences.

Learning Goals


Pre-math skills are introduced through pattern games, measurement, block play (balance and stability), sorting, graphing and cooking.


Science skills are introduced through various activities including cooking (liquid to solid), gardening and planting, life cycle of the butterfly and chicks. We also use photography as we take pictures for our nature wall.


Our art projects encourage children to express their imaginations. Through various art mediums (paint, glue, fabric, shaving crème, and more), children create masterpieces. Through guided art, like a paper tear collage, children not only create a colorful work of art, they are also working on fine motor skills. While painting on the easel, they are encouraging gross motor development.


Children’s fine motor development is addressed through manipulatives like playdough, crayons, beading, and Legos, as well as art activities. Gross motor development is addressed through outside play, including a climbing gym, movement in the classroom, songs and dance as well as block play.


Children are encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas throughout the day. Teachers listen attentively and engage in conversation, and expand on what the children say promoting letter sound connections as well as words with actions. Circle Time activities promote conversation; Show and Tell promotes expressive language and voice projection. Children are read to each day.


Children will be encouraged to empathize with the needs and feelings of their peers. Teachers will help children handle classroom issues with gentleness and kindness.

A Normal Day

Table Time/Arrival: Children can meet and greet each other and their teachers while engaging in tabletop activities like magnets and manipulatives.

Circle time: Everyone comes together to discuss the day’s plan. Jobs are assigned. The weather is depicted on our weather chart. Other activities at circle time may include show and tell and Interactive flannel board stories.

Free Choice Time: Children are encouraged to explore different areas of the classroom during this time. Centers are designed to promote developmentally appropriate learning. Our centers are: dramatic play area, sensory table, science and math centers, book nook, art center, listening center and free play carpet area for blocks and trains.

Story time: Books encourage children to enhance their listening skills, reinforce language, and ask and answer questions. Children are encouraged to choose books.

Snack: Snack can be a very social experience. A typical snack is usually crackers and fruit (provided by a parent), although there are times when we may make a snack for the day, like pancakes or muffins.

Outdoor/Indoor Play: The 4’s enjoy the outdoors on our playground. If the weather is not cooperating, we have use of a large indoor play area.